Science Outreach
‘The more you know, the more you owe’
May 2024.
Marine was part of the support team for the 'Pint of Science' Festival, aiming to communicate science in a fun and engaging way.
March 2024.
'Looking into the brain' .
As part of Brain Awareness Week, the neuroscience labs from the University of Birmingham engaged in a variety of activities designed to show how amazing our brains are, how research has helped us understand how our brains work – and how much we still have to discover.
May 2023.
From fruit flies to decision-making masters: unravelling the secrets of the brain, one tiny brain at a time! Laurie Cazalé-Debat shares her exciting science with the public at Pint of Science Festival.
March 2023. The lab's dedication to science outreach was on full display during the Brain Awareness Week, as we shared the awe-inspiring wonders of the fruit fly brain with the wider public.
May 2022. How do sex differences in the brain come about and what does this reveal about the way the brain works? Carolina spoke at the Pint of Science festival.
March 2022. The Drosophila labs at Birmingham tell the public why fruit flies are so great for understanding the brain at the Mac and Thinktank Museums @Brain Awareness Week.
August 2021. Check out the press release of our new study: Food or sex: fruit flies give insight into decision-making. Here
March 2021. Carolina took part in Brain Awareness Week. This is a public engagement event celebrated worldwide to promote public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research.
October 2019. An evening of science, art, education and entertainment! The Drosophila Labs explain how we use fruit flies to understand brain function and disease over a beer @Thinktank Birmingham Science Museum
“Decision making has all the secrets of everything: who we are, what we do, how we navigate the world.” “How Do I Decide? The Brain with David Eagleman”, 2015.
'We teach what we like to learn and the reason many people go into teaching is vicariously to re experience the primary joy experienced the first time they learned something they loved' -Stephen Brookfield-.
June 2019. From tiny fruit-flies to great discoveries - Together with the Drosophila Labs at the University of Birmingham we shared our science on fruit flies with the public at the Green Heart Festival.
March 2019. Together with the neuro fly labs from Birmingham University we took part in Brain Awareness Week. This is a public engagement event celebrated worldwide to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research.
'An experiment is a question which science poses to Nature, and a measurement is the recording of Nature’s answer.' – Max Planck
November 2018. 'We want to be scientists of fruit flies'. Children got excited about our outreach activities at the All Saints' C.E. Primary School Alrewas Science Festival. Together with the Hidalgo lab we communicated Drosophila brain research to enthusiastic 'scientists of the future'.

June 2018. Demos on fly courtship and science outreach @Birmingham Open Day
June 2018. Carolina talks about sexually dimorphic behaviours and what they can tell us about brain organisation and function in Phenotype Journal [PDF]
September 2016. 'The fe-male brain'. A 3 minute video about Carolina's post-doctoral work @Oxford
CNCB The Fe-male Brain from CNCB on Vimeo.