Carolina discussed the science we do in the lab in the week's Scientistt podcast. Check it out here.
August 2021
Sex or food? Inside a fruit fly's brain as it makes that decision. BBC news covered our work. Check it out here.
A great Twitter threat explaining our findings, by Annika Barber here.
To court or to eat? That is the question (at least for the fly). Flying Thru Science explained our recent work with simple language and nice cartoons. It's very cool, check it out here.
Fruit Flies Choose Food Over Sex When Deprived of Both. InsideScience covered our study. Check it out here.
Can fruit flies help us to understand Alzheimer's disease better? BBC news covered our study in their website. Check it out here.
Food or sex? Fruit flies give insight into decision-making. Check out the press release of our study here